Tennessee Governor Signs “I Hate Meth Act” | The Partnership at Drugfree.org

  • Child endangerment can be charged against a parent or custodian of a child eight years or younger who knowingly exposes a child to the process of manufacturing methamphetamine.
  • Pharmacies can only sell 3.6 grams of pseudo-ephedrine per day or 9 grams per month without a valid prescription. 
  • Authorizes the pharmacist or intern to decline the sale of pseudo-ephedrine if he or she believes the sale is not for a legitimate medical purpose.
  • The new law will require pharmacies to log information on pseudo-ephedrine sales at least daily to the Tennessee Meth Information System database by January 1, 2012. New equipment will prohibit the pharmacy from completing the sale if a stop sale alert indicated a violation of the established quantity limits.
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